Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary
Our Aikido Knowledge Base offers hundreds of entries like: articles, pictures, facts and biographies along with information about topics like: aikido techniques, postures, weapons and glossary of Japanese terms.
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Currently we have: 860 terms in base.
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - A
Term | Brief Description |
Abara | Human rib cage, also known as the thoracic ca... |
Abara-hone | The ribs.... |
Ago | Jaw.... |
Agura | informal cross-legged sitting position. Also,... |
Ai | 合 - ai - joining, harmonizing, harmony, uni... |
Ai-gamae | Same as ai-hammi.... |
Ai-hanmi | Mutual, or balanced stance. eg both right foo... |
Ai-hanmi-katate-dori | Wrist grip, right on right or left on left, a... |
Aiki | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Aiki-budo | This is the name given to the art O Sensei wa... |
Aiki-jinja | (Aiki Shrine) - An Omoto shrine located in Iw... |
Aiki-jo | Aiki-jo is the name given specifically to the... |
Aiki-ken | Aiki-ken is the name given specifically to th... |
Aiki-nage | 'Harmony' of throwing an opponent with no pre... |
Aiki-otoshi | Aiki-drop, throwing technique... |
Aikibatto | Sword drawing exercises, solo or paired... |
Aikido Toho Iai | Shoji Nishio sensei's iaido school... |
Aikidogi | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Aikidoka | (dojo term) student of aikido.... |
Aikikai | Aikikai is the largest aikido organization, a... |
Aikikai Aikido | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Aikitaiso | Aikido warm-up exercises... |
Aite | Partner in training; opponent.... |
Anza | Informal cross-legged sitting position. Also,... |
Arigato | (informal) Thank you; “Thanks” ... |
Arigato gozaimashita | (informal) Thank you; "Thanks" for for somet... |
Arigato gozaimasu | (informal) Thank you; "Thanks" for something... |
Asagasumi | Morning mist; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This p... |
Ashi | Ashi (1) leg, or foot. Ashi (2) to step... |
Ashi-barrai | Foot Sweep (Judo).... |
Ashi-gamae | (n.) A stance from which appropriate response... |
Ashi-haba | (n.) The width and length of one's stance.... |
Ashi-hakobi | Martial walk of walking by sliding the feet r... |
Ashi-irekae | 6 step; Switch hanmi: Left and right hanmi in... |
Ashi-kubi | Ankle.... |
Ashi-no-koh | The instep of a foot.... |
Ashi-no-ura | The sole of the a foot.... |
Ashi-no-yubi | Toes.... |
Ashi-sabaki | (n.) Four types of footwork for delivering a... |
Ashi-waza | Leg techniques.... |
Ashiguru | Foot soldiers; the lowest rank of bushi.... |
Atama | Head... |
Ataru | (v.) To be on target; to have hit directly. /... |
Ate | Strike, the Chinese reading of the kanji. Als... |
Ate-waza | Hitting Techniques.... |
Atemi | a strike; from ate [strike] & mi [body]. Also... |
Atemi-waza | Striking or hitting techniques.... |
Awase | Blending exercise(s).“joining together”;... |
Ayumi-ashi | Step with no slide; Normal stepping; Normal w... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - B
Term | Brief Description |
Barai | (Harai) - parry, ward off, block.... |
Batto | (n.) 1. Sword drawing. 2. In the practice of... |
Bokken | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Bokuto | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Boshi | Curve leading to kissaki; part of the samurai... |
Bu | (n.) 1. The original meaning of the Chinese c... |
Bu-do | (n.) 1. The doctrine of the Japanese military... |
Bu-gei | (n.) 1. Military arts. (The Chinese character... |
Bu-jutsu | See Bugei.... |
Budo | Budō (武道?) is a Japanese term describing... |
Budo-kan | (n.) 1. A hall or building designated for the... |
Bugei-juhappan | (n.) The 18 different recognized disciplines... |
Bugugake | Weapons rack; from buki [weapons] and kake [h... |
Bushi | Warrior and the warrior caste; from bu [power... |
Bushido | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Butsumetsu | Buddha's passing; Kyusho (Pressure Point); Th... |
Byo-ki | Byō-ki (n.) 1. A state of poor health. 2. In... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - C
Term | Brief Description |
Chado | (The Way of Tea) - The Tea Ceremony... |
Chedokan Aikido | Chendokan Aikido is a form of Aikido develope... |
Chi no kokyu | "The breath of Earth," the second level of Ai... |
Chinkon kishin | Calming the spirit and returning to the divin... |
Choku | Direct. Thus Chokusen No Irimi = direct entry... |
Choku tsuki | Jo technique: Basic thrusting movement. ... |
Choyaku-suburi | Repetitive, individual, cutting exercise; Inc... |
Chu-shin ryoku | The Aikido the 'center power', refers to the... |
Chudan | Middle level; from chu [middle] and dan [leve... |
Chudan no kamae | Guard position with a weapon at belly height.... |
Chudan tsuki | Middle punch, targeted at belly or solar plex... |
Chukyusha | Continuing student, with a mid-level kyu grad... |
Chushin | Center. Especially, the center of one's movem... |
Cohai | Junior student.... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - D
Term | Brief Description |
Daimon | Big gate; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This is th... |
Daisho | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Daito | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Daito ryu aikijujutsu | Daito ryu aikijujutsu originally called Daito... |
Dakkyu | Dislocation.... |
Dan | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Deguchi | Exit.... |
Deshi | Student... |
Do | Way, path, discipline, or study. Implies incl... |
Dogi | Do-gi misc. term. clothes for ‘the way’.... |
Dojo | Dō-jō (n.) Originally the place where Guata... |
Dojo kiku | Rules and regulations of dojo.... |
Dojocho | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Dokkotsu | Single bone; Kyusho (Pressure Point); These p... |
Domo arigato gozaimashita | Thank you very much, for something completed ... |
Domo arigato gozaimasu | Thank you very much, for something going on... |
Dori | Suffix version of tori. To take, grab or catc... |
Dosa | Exercise, action, or movement;from do [moveme... |
Doshu | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Dotai | The trunk of the body.... |
Dozo | Please/ by all means... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - E
Term | Brief Description |
Eki tai | Level of practice. Liquid body. (No resistan... |
Embudaikai | Grand public demonstration. Example: Aikido a... |
Embui gi | Display/ demonstration clothes... |
Embukai | Public demonstration... |
Empi | Elbow, also used to indicated an elbow techni... |
Empi-uchi | 1. Elbow strike.
2. Elbow smash.... |
En | A circle.... |
Enkei choyaku undo | Enkei undo exercise with step to side.... |
Enkei undo | Circle throw exercise.... |
Eri | Collar.... |
Eri dori | A grab or grip to the collar... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - F
Term | Brief Description |
Fuchi | Metal sleeve at the base of the handle of a k... |
Fuchi gane | Metal band around tsuka next to tsuba; part o... |
Fudoshin | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Fukushidoin | A formal title whose connotation is something... |
Funakogi undo | Rowing exercise, also called torifune ... |
Furi kaburi | Sword-raising movement. This movement in foun... |
Furi tama | "Shaking down the spirit,"; exercise to still... |
Futari dori | Implies a two-man simultaneous attack in juta... |
Futari taiso | Certain movement exercise for two persons.... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - G
Term | Brief Description |
Gaeshi | A reversal; from kaesu [to turn out].... |
Gakkotsu | Jawbone, also called agobone... |
Gambatte | “Good luck!”, wishing someone to do their... |
Garami | Entanglement; from karamu [to entangle or to... |
Gassho gasseki undo | Lie on your back and join your hands and feet... |
Gatame | Pin, or immobilisation. See, katame.... |
Gedan | Lower level; from ge [low] & dan [level].On t... |
Gedan no kamae | Traditional kenjutsu posture; the low stance.... |
Gedan tsuki | A Punch from lower level; from ge [low] & dan... |
Gedan-barai | Low block... |
Gedan-geri | A kick from lower level; from ge [low] and da... |
Geri | Kick; from keru [to kick].... |
Geri waza | Kicks; Techniques that involve kicking.... |
Gi | Practice clothes. A western abbreviation.See,... |
Giri | Cut; from kiru [to cut]. See, kiri.... |
Go | Five... |
Go-no-suburi | Step forward while guarding, then a 70 degree... |
Go-no-tachi | Fifth of sword; The partnered form practice o... |
Godan | 5th dan (black belt)... |
Gokkyo | Fifth teaching; from go [five] & kyo [teachin... |
Gokoku | Kyusho (Pressure Point); This point is found... |
Gokyu | 5th kyu (Yellow belt)... |
Gomen nasai | lit. Excuse me... |
Gorin | Five rings; Kyusho (Pressure Point); These ar... |
Gotai | Hard body, static training; c.f. jutai, ryuta... |
Gyaku | Reverse, opposite.... |
Gyaku tsuki | Strike with opposing arm and leg forward, com... |
Gyaku-gamae | Same as gyaku-hammi.... |
Gyaku-hanmi | Opposing stance (if Uke has the right foot fo... |
Gyaku-hanmi katate-dori | Wrist grip, right on left or left on right.... |
Gyaku-uchi | Reverse Strike.... |
Gyoshu jikkun | Ten precepts for spiritual training.... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - H
Term | Brief Description |
Ha | Cutting edge; part of the samurai sword.... |
Ha machi | ‘Step’ at end of cutting edge where the b... |
Habaki | Collar (usually copper) reinforcing join betw... |
Hachi | Eight; 8... |
Hachidan | 8th dan (black belt)... |
Hadome | Ends of the teeth; Kyusho (Pressure Point); Y... |
Hai | Yes!; Now!... |
Hai dozo | yes, please; (practice what I have demonstrat... |
Haishin-undo | Back stretch... |
Hajikigoshi | Hajiki-goshi techniques involve throwing uke... |
Hajime | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Hajime-masho | Let's begin.... |
Hajime-masu | Let's begin.... |
Hakama | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Hakko-ryu | Form of Jujutsu, founded by Okuyama Yoshiharu... |
Hakujin | Drawn sword; naked blade... |
Hamon | Line of tempered section; part of the samurai... |
Hana | Nose.... |
Hanaji | Nosebleed.... |
Hanami | Cutting line of sword (from mune to ha); part... |
Hanmi gamae | Angled guard position... |
Hanmi han dachi waza | Technique(s) with uke standing and tori kneel... |
Hanten ukemi | Half-rolling; absorbing the fall without roll... |
Haori | Over jacket... |
Happa | Eight leaves; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This i... |
Happo | Eight directions; cf. shiho... |
Happo undo | Eight directions exercise. ... |
Hara | "Center"; 2 inches below the naval; energy so... |
Harakiri | "Stomach-cutting" is a form of Japanese ritua... |
Hasso gaeshi uchi | Jo-staff technique... |
Hasso-no-kamae | Guard with weapon at shoulder level; It is an... |
Hasuji | Pointing line of sword (from mune machi to ki... |
Haya-suburi | Repetitive, individual, cutting exercise; Rap... |
Henka waza | Technique(s) changing in mid-execution, or a... |
Hera | Peg inside rear of hakama... |
Heso | Navel; the bellybutton.... |
Hi | Grooves; part of the samurai sword.... |
Hidari | Left. (The Chinese reading of the kanji is, s... |
Hidari-hammi | Left hammi posture.... |
Hifuku undo | Sit down Japanese stywe and swing your upper... |
Hiji | Elbow. The Chinese reading of the kanji is, e... |
Hiji dori | Elbow grip. Sleeve grip at elbow... |
Hiji garami | Elbow entanglement, or figure-four entangleme... |
Hijikime-osae | Pinning technique, sometimes called rokkyo.... |
Hijishime | Elbow lock against the joint. Simetimes calle... |
Hiki-ashi | Withdrawing the front leg. (Known as “draw... |
Hiki-ayumi-ashi | Withdraw the front leg then step over. (Known... |
Himitsu Waza | The way O-Sensei was referring to Kaeshi Waza... |
Himo | Cord or lace; example: gi himo... |
Hineri | Twist. In relation to a joint manipulation it... |
Hira | Face of blade from shinogi to ha; part of the... |
Hiraki-ashi | Step and pivot around on the front foot so as... |
Hiryuran | Flying dragon confuser; Kyusho (Pressure Poin... |
Hitai | Forehead.... |
Hitoe | Top of tang which meets mune at mune machi; p... |
Hitoe Iriminage | Iriminage with both arms in uke's front... |
Hitoemi | 1) Posture similar to the Hanmi; rear leg is... |
Hiza | Knee. The Chinese reading of the kanji is shi... |
Hiza no sara | Knee cap, also called shitsugai... |
Ho | Method.... |
Hojo walk | Posture, moving, and breathing exercise durin... |
Hoko | Direction.... |
Hombu | Hombu is how it is pronounced, Honbu is how i... |
Honbu | Headquarters; from hon [base] & bu [section,... |
Hone | Bone.... |
Hoshi | Star; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This point is... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - I
Term | Brief Description |
Iaido | I-ai-dō (n.) 1. Technique of rapid sword dra... |
Iaito | Training sword, usually not sharpened... |
Ichi | One; 1... |
Ichi-no-suburi | A simple downward vertical cut; Basic solo mo... |
Ichi-no-tachi | First of sword; The partnered form practice o... |
Ichiban | First, best... |
Ikkajo | Older term for ikkyo.... |
Ikki | Toast; one ki; bottoms up; cheers... |
Ikkyo | First teaching; from ichi [one] & kyo [teachi... |
Ikkyo undo | Exercise in which a person swings their arms... |
Ikkyu | 1st kyu (Brown belt)... |
Inazuma | Kyusho (Pressure Point); This point is found... |
Intoku | Good done without reward; a secret act of cha... |
Ippan-geiko | General practice sessions in which everyone t... |
Ipponken | Strike with one knuckle (lit. one-point fist)... |
Iriguchi | Entrance.... |
Irimi | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Irimi undo | Exercise in which a person raises one arm and... |
Irimi-ashi | Entering and pivoting around on both feet to... |
Irimigoshi | Koshinage that begins with Iriminage... |
Iriminage | Entering throw.... |
Iwama | Japanese town; where Osensei had a dojo and a... |
Iwama Style Aikido | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... |
Iwama ryu | Saito Sensei’s Aikido style. ... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - J
Term | Brief Description |
Jakkin | Weak muscle; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This po... |
Jinchu | Centre of a human; Kyusho (Pressure Point); T... |
Jiyu-geiko | Free training or practice... |
Jiyuwaza | Freestyle technique(s); from jiyu [free] & wa... |
Jo | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Jo dori | Disarming an opponent armed with a jo.... |
Jo nage | Throwing with, or taking away, the jo (wooden... |
Jo-tai-jo | jo vs. jo... |
Jo-tai-ken | Jo vs. ken... |
Joawase | Jo-staff exercises... |
Jodan | Upper level; from jo [up] & dan [level].On th... |
Jodan kamae | Guard with weapon over head... |
Jodan tsuki | Basic attack. A high punch, targeted at throa... |
Jodanuke | High block; high parry... |
Jodo | The way of the jo... |
Joge-suburi | Repetitive, individual, cutting exercise; Str... |
Johokosa undo | Cross palms in front of face... |
Jokyusha | Advanced student; student with a high kyu gra... |
Joseki | Upper side of mat, opposite the shimoseki.... |
Josokutei | Ball of the foot.... |
Ju | (1) (jyu) The number (10) ten. (2) Sof... |
Ju tai | A level of practice with Soft or fluid body... |
Judo | The soft way, or the way to softness... |
Juji garami | Cross-shaped throw, or figure-ten throw. Aka,... |
Jujinage | Cross-shaped throw, or figure-ten throw. Aka,... |
Jujiro | Intersection; Kyusho (Pressure Point); These... |
Jujutsu | A traditional Japanese form of unarmed combat... |
Jumbitaiso | Warm-up exercises; also called aikitaiso... |
Juntsuki | Strike with the same arm and leg forward; als... |
Jutai | Soft body, smooth training; cf. gotai, ryutai... |
Jyu | Ten.... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - K
Term | Brief Description |
Kaeshi | A reversal; from kaesu [to turn out, or rever... |
Kaeshi-tsuki | Reverse strike with jo-staff... |
Kaeshi-waza | Technique reversal. (Uke becomes Nage and vic... |
Kage | Kyusho (Pressure Point); This is the protrube... |
Kai | An organisation or federation. For example Ka... |
Kaiso | Founder; O-Sensei... |
Kaiten | Revolving or rotating; from kae [turn or revo... |
Kaiten-ashi | Pivoting around on one foot so as to turn up... |
Kaitennage | Rotary throw. Uchi [inside] and soto [outside... |
Kaitenosae | Rotation pinning technique... |
Kakari-geiko | Constant attacking; Kendo Term; In Aikido oft... |
Kakato | Heel.... |
Kake | Doing the technique (3rd step in doing aikido... |
Kaku | Kyusho (Pressure Point); This is the knee and... |
Kakudo | Angle... |
Kamae | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Kamiza | Kamiza dojo term. (1) Place of honour or Uppe... |
Kampai | "Cheers"; a toast... |
Kangeiko | Mid-winter training... |
Kanji | KanjiJapanese characters. F... |
Kanren | Linked, connected... |
Kanren Waza | Linked techniques, one technique followed by... |
Kansetsu | Joint. Therefore kansetsu-waza, immobilisatio... |
Kansetsu waza | Joint/Pinning technique as distinct from nage... |
Kao | Face.... |
Karada | Body.... |
Kashira | End of tsuka; part of the samurai sword.... |
Kasumi | Fog; Kyusho (Pressure Point); These are the t... |
Kata | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Kata gatame | Shoulder lock. A variation of kaiten nage, wh... |
Katachi | Shape.... |
Katadori | Grab or grip to the shoulder... |
Katadori menuchi | Shoulder grip followed by shomenuchi... |
Katahaba | Measure of thickest part of blade; part of th... |
Katame | An immobilization; from katameru [to harden,... |
Katame waza | An immobilization; from katameru [to harden,... |
Katana | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Katana kake | Sword stand.... |
Katate | Single handed.... |
Katate dori | Same side wrist grab, e.g. right to left... |
Katate ryotedori | Grip with both hands, also called morotedori... |
Katate suburi | Repetitive, individual, cutting exercise; Hol... |
Katori shinto-ryu | Traditional sword school... |
Kazu | Number.... |
Kega | Injury; wound; hurt.... |
Kei-kotsu | The neck bone.... |
Keiko | Practice, training or study; from kei [to thi... |
Keiko gi | Practice clothing.... |
Ken | Sword, also katana, to and tachi... |
Kendo | "Way of The Sword", is a modern Japanese mart... |
Kenko | Health.... |
Kenko taiso | Health exercises.... |
Kenko-kotsu | A shoulder blade.... |
Kenkotsu | Healthy bone; Kyusho (Pressure Point); Four p... |
Kenzai ishiki | The conscious mind.... |
Kesa | Lapel/part of monks costume hanging from left... |
Ketsueki | Blood.... |
Ki | 気 - ki - spirit, life energy... |
Ki-ai | (n.) 1. A state of concentration on an oppone... |
Ki-gamae | (n.) To be aware and mentally prepared to rea... |
Ki-no-nagare | Continuous flowing practice;from nagasu [to f... |
Ki-no-nagare-waza | Ki No Nagare Waza includes all the "flowing t... |
Ki-no-sho | Ki calligraphy which is hung up at the shomen... |
Kiatsu-ho | Pressing method with ki.... |
Kihaku | Spirit; vigor; strong drive.... |
Kihon | Foundation(s), fundemental(s), base, or basic... |
Kihonwaza | “basic technique”; the pure form executed... |
Kiken | To submit by tapping out.... |
Kiku | Rules and regulations in the training hall or... |
Kime | 1) Focus; the instantaneous tensing at the co... |
Kimochi | A feeling; a frame of mind.... |
Kimon | Demon gate or Omote Kimon; Kyusho (Pressure P... |
Kimusubi | Yying one's ki to that of the partner... |
Kimusubi-no-tachi | Blending one's energy with partner of sword;... |
Kingyo undo | Swing your hips horizontawwy wike fish swimmi... |
Kinketsu | Forbidden hole; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This... |
Kinniku | Muscle.... |
Kinniku-tsu | Muscular pain.... |
Kiri | Cut; from kiru [to cut]. See, giri.... |
Kirikaeshi | Turning cut, sword exercise... |
Kissaki | The tip of the sword.... |
Kiyoku | Vitality; ki energy.... |
Kiza | Sitting stance, up on toes. See, seiza.... |
Kobayashi Aikido | Also known as "The Kokusai Aikido Kenshukai K... |
Koe | Voice; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This point is... |
Kogeki | Attack; strike; offensive... |
Kohai | One's junior, compare sempai... |
Koho | Backwards; from ko [back] & ho [direction].... |
Koho kaiten ukemi | Backward rolling; breakfall... |
Koho tento undo | Rocking back and forth exercise... |
Koichi Tohei | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... |
Koiguchi | Open end of saya; part of the samurai sword.... |
Kokikai Aikido | Kokikai Aikido was founded by Shuji Maruyama... |
Kokoro | Spirit; will; heart; intuition; mood; also ca... |
Kokoro-gake | Mental attitude.... |
Kokoro-gamae | Mental attitude.... |
Kokusai Aikido | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... |
Kokyu | Breath; from ko [exhale] & kyu [inhale]. (ah,... |
Kokyu ho | Blending and breathing method / exercise.... |
Kokyu ryoku | Breath power... |
Kokyudosa | Seated breathing and throwing practice ... |
Kokyunage | Breath (timing) throw.... |
Komi | Heel.... |
Konbanwa | "Good evening" (when entering the dojo) ... |
Konnichiwa | "Good afternoon/ day" (when entering the dojo... |
Korindo Aikido | A martial art that originated in Japan. It is... |
Kosa | Cross over; pass... |
Kosadori | Cross-over grip; same as aihanmi katatedori... |
Kosei | Force of a tiger; Kyusho (Pressure Point); Th... |
Koshi | Area from the small of the back to the tailbo... |
Koshi waza | Hip techniques.... |
Koshiita | Board at back of hakama... |
Koshin | Move backward.... |
Koshinage | Hip throw.... |
Koshitsubo | Hip pot; Kyusho (Pressure Point); Located at... |
Kossetsu | Fracture of a bone; a broken bone.... |
Kotai | Hard body, static training; also called gotai... |
Kote | Hand; from ko [small] & te [hand]. Originally... |
Kote-hineri | Twisted wrist; arm-locking twist down; sankyo... |
Kotegaeshi | Wrist out-turn. Aka, tekubi-mawashi.... |
Kotegaeshi undo | Wrist exercise.... |
Kotemawashi | Turned wrist, nikkyo... |
Kubi | Neck.... |
Kubikyusho-uchi | Neck vital-point strike... |
Kubishime | Neck strangle; from kubi [neck] & kime [choke... |
Kuchi | Mouth.... |
Kudan | 9th dan (black belt)... |
Kuden | Oral tradition/ teaching... |
Kumi | A pair, or partners.... |
Kumi jo | Partner exercise with jo.... |
Kumi tachi | The partnered forms practice of aiki-ken is c... |
Kuzushi | Balance breaking, or disturbing; from kuzusu... |
Kyo | Principle, learning... |
Kyokei | Strong tendons; Kyusho (Pressure Point); Thes... |
Kyoshi | Title in kendo, 6-7 dan... |
Kyu | 1) Nine. 2) Kyū (級?) is a Jap... |
Kyudo | "Way of the bow", is the Japanese art of arch... |
Kyudo-shin | The mind that seeks after truth.... |
Kyujo | Vital-point... |
Kyukei | Take a short rest!... |
Kyusho | A vital part; the vitals; Pressure point.... |
Kyushu | The drawing on of an opponent by changing maa... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - M
Term | Brief Description |
Ma | Distance between training partners... |
Ma ai | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Mae | Front, [opposite of ushiro],the Japanese read... |
Mae ukemi | Front breakfalls.... |
Maegeri | Front kick.... |
Manseikan Aikido | Manseikan Aikido is an independent style cent... |
Maru | Circle... |
Marui | Circular.... |
Mata | Groin; crotch; called sokei.... |
Mate | Wait!... |
Matsu kaze | Wind in the pine trees; Kyusho (Pressure Poin... |
Matte | “Stop” or “wait”.... |
Mawari-ashi | Turning 180 degrees, either with by stepping... |
Mawashi | Turn, or rotation; from mawaru [to turn]. Inr... |
Mawashi geri | Roundhouse kick... |
Me | Eyes.... |
Men | Face, or front of head.... |
Menbu | Face; Kyusho (Pressure Point); The bridge of... |
Menjo | Certificate.... |
Menuchi | Direct strike to head.... |
Metsubushi | “To throw ash in the eyes”, a distraction... |
Metsuke | Eye contact, “insight into the soul”.[the... |
Michi | Way, also do... |
Migi | Right. The chinese reading of the kanji is, y... |
Migi-hammi | Right hammi posture.... |
Mijiku | Vertical body axis... |
Mimi | Ears.... |
Misogi | Purification ceremony; cleansing... |
Mo ikkai | Do again; one more time... |
Mochi | Hold/ grip, also called dori... |
Mochikata | Gripping attacks... |
Mokan undo | Lie on your back and rise your arms and wegs.... |
Mokuso | Meditation; silent contemplation; also called... |
Momo | Thighs.... |
Morihei Ueshiba | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Morote | Both hands. See, morote-dori and katate ryote... |
Morote dori | One wrist gripped by both hands... |
Mudansha | Trainee without dan grade, compare yudansha... |
Mune dori | Grab or grip to the lapel at mid chest area... |
Mune dori menuchi | Front lapel grab and strike to face.... |
Munen mushin | Striking out without concern of the outcome.... |
Murasame | Village rain; Kyusho (Pressure Point); The no... |
Mushin | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Musubi | Blending; tie together; also called ki-no-mus... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - N
Term | Brief Description |
Nafudakake | A board containing wooden slats that list the... |
Nagare | Flow; streaming... |
Nagashi | Flowing, from nagasu [to flow].... |
Nage | Nage A throw. Therefore nage-waza, thro... |
Nage waza | A throw. Therefore nage-waza, throwing techni... |
Naginata | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... |
Nakago jiri | End of tang; part of the samurai sword.... |
Nami-ashi | Normal walk; from nami [normal] and ashi [ste... |
Naname | Diagonal.... |
Naname-mae | Diagonally forward.... |
Naname-suburi | Repetitive, individual, cutting exercise; Alt... |
Naname-ushiro | Diagonally backward.... |
Nen | Will.... |
Nen-no-chikara | Willpower; the concentrated mind.... |
Nenriki | Willpower.... |
Nenza | Sprain.... |
Ni | Two.... |
Ni-no-suburi | Step back into jodan-no-kamae, then a downwar... |
Ni-no-tachi | Second of sword; The partnered form practice... |
Nidan | 2nd dan (black belt)... |
Nihon Goshin Aikido | Nihon Goshin Aikido is headed by Richard Bowe... |
Nikajo | Older name for nikkyo... |
Nikyo | Second teaching; from ni [two] & kyo [teachin... |
Nikyo undo | Wrist exercise.... |
Nikyu | 2nd kyu (Blue belt)... |
Ninin dori | Practice with two ukes, (does not imply simul... |
Ninja | Courier, assasin and spy in old Japan... |
Nintai | Perseverance; patience; endurance.... |
Nippon | (Nihon) - Japan... |
Nippon Kan Aikido | The school was founded in 1978 by Gaku Homma... |
No | Of.... |
Nodo | Throat.... |
Noto | Maneuver to return a sword to its scabbard... |
Nuki | Draw the sword, also called batto... |
Nukite | Strike with fingertips... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - O
Term | Brief Description |
O sensei | “Great teacher” , for the founder of aiki... |
O-goshi | O-goshi - Basic big koshinage; hip throw... |
Obi | Belt.... |
Ochitsuki | Living calmness.... |
Ohayo gozaimasu | "Good morning" (when entering the dojo) ... |
Oi-ashi | Lunging with the front leg.... |
Oitsuki | Strike with same arm and foot forward... |
Ojigi | Bow. Also Rei. See: risu-rei, za-rei... |
Okuri ashi | Sliding step; from okuri [sliding] & ashi [st... |
Omote | Front, or forward. Element with very many int... |
Onaka | Stomach.... |
Onegashimas | Please show (train with me/teach me) me.... |
Osae | To pin, to immobilise, or to press down.... |
Otagai ni rei | Bow to each other... |
Otoshi | Drop; from orosu, [to drop downward]. Also, o... |
Owari | Finish!... |
Owari-masho | Let's finish.... |
Owari-masu | Let's finish.... |
Oya yubi | Thumbs.... |
Oyasumi nasai | "Good night"... |
Oyo Waza | Oyo Waza literally means “techniques of app... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - R
Term | Brief Description |
Randori | Free-style practice; from randoru [to spar];... |
Real Aikido | Real Aikido is a martial art developed by Lju... |
Rei | Bow. Also, ojigi.... |
Reisei-shin | The divine mind; the mind with spirituality.... |
Reishiki | Etiquette and respect. Also, reigi.... |
Renshu | Training... |
Renzoku uchikomi | Consecutive striking with jo... |
Renzoku waza | Consecutive techniques; a series of technique... |
Risu-rei | Make a bow from the standing posture.... |
Ritsu | Standing. See, tachi.... |
Ritsurei | Standing bow; from ritsu [standing] & rei [bo... |
Rokkyo | Sixth teaching; pinning technique; see hijiki... |
Rokkyu | 6th kyu (White belt) ... |
Roku | Six.... |
Roku-no-suburi | Step forward with a downward vertical cut, th... |
Rokudan | 6th dan (black belt)... |
Ronin | A samurai without a master, or dismissed from... |
Ryo | Both.... |
Ryokata dori | Both shoulders grab... |
Ryote | Use of two hands to attack and grip Ryo... |
Ryote dori | Uke grabs both of tori’s wrists.... |
Ryu | Style of; method of; manner of; school (of th... |
Ryufu | Dragon's wind; Kyusho (Pressure Point); The A... |
Ryumon | Dragon's gate; Kyusho (Pressure Point); The s... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - S
Term | Brief Description |
Sabaki | “Motion”; implies controlled movement int... |
Sageo | Cord, ties into hakama himo; part of the samu... |
Sai | Crush; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This point is... |
Sake | Rice wine... |
Same | Ray skin under tsuka ito; part of the samurai... |
Samurai | “One who serves”; one , albeit a lower, r... |
San | Three; 3... |
San-no-suburi | Step back into waki-gamae, then a downward ve... |
San-no-tachi | Third of sword; The partnered form practice o... |
Sandan | 3rd dan (black belt)... |
Sankajo | Older term for sankyo... |
Sankaku | Triangle... |
Sankaku-no-kamae | Triangle posture; a posture of hammi.... |
Sankakutai | Triangle shape; position of the feet in hanmi... |
Sankyo | Third teaching; from san [three] & kyo [teach... |
Sankyo undo | Wrist exercise.... |
Sankyu | 3rd kyu (Green belt)... |
Sannin-dori | Three attackers rushing at Nage. See, Futari-... |
Sannin-gake | Three attackers rushing at Nage.... |
Sanpo | Three directions... |
Saya | Scabbard... |
Sayo undo | Sayo Undo exercise has been described technic... |
Sayu enkei undo | Enkei undo exercise with 90° turn.... |
Sayu-men-suburi | Repetitive, individual, cutting exercise; Alt... |
Seidokan Aikido | Seidokan Aikido was founded by Rod Kobayashi.... |
Seika no itten | The one point below the navel (lower abdomen)... |
Seika tanden | Lower abdomen. “centre”. The area between... |
Seiki | Life energy... |
Seiretsu | Line up!... |
Seiritsu | Standing naturally with no intent.... |
Seishin | Spirit.... |
Seitaku | Star mud; Kyusho (Pressure Point); The top si... |
Seiza | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Sen | Taking the initiative. Sen, sen-no... |
Sen no sen | Initiating at the same instant as an attack... |
Senaka | Back.... |
Senpai | One’s senior(s); from sen [before] & hai [f... |
Sensei | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Sensen no sen | Initiating before the attack begins; a leadin... |
Senzai ishiki | The subconscious mind; subconsciousness.... |
Seppa | Washers either side of tsuba; part of the sam... |
Seppuku | Belly cut; ritual suicide with sword; also ca... |
Setsudo | Teaching the way of the universe.... |
Shi | Shi (1) - Death. Shi (2) - Four.Because... |
Shi-sei | (n.) 1. Figure. 2. Posture. 3. Physical state... |
Shiatsu | Massage; finger pressure... |
Shichi | Seven. More acceptable version is, nana. See,... |
Shichi-no-suburi | Step forward while guarding, then a 70 degree... |
Shichidan | 7th dan (black belt)... |
Shidoin | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Shihan | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Shiho | Four direction, or all-directions; from shi [... |
Shiho-giri | Ryotedori four-direction partner stretch (cf.... |
Shihonage | Four direction throw, or all-direction throw.... |
Shikaku | Literally "dead angle." A position in which i... |
Shikko | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Shime | Strangle or choke. Therefore shime-waza, stra... |
Shime waza | Choking/ stranglation techniques.... |
Shimoseki | Lower side of the mat (left side, as you look... |
Shimoza | Lower seat of the mat, opposite kamiza; Dojo... |
Shin | Heart, will, mind, also pronounced kokoro;... |
Shin Budo Kai Aikido | Shin Budo Kai Aikido was founded by Shizuo Im... |
Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido | Ki Society is also known as Shin Shin Toitsu... |
Shin-ei Taido | Shin'ei Taido renamed from Shinwa Taido is an... |
Shinai | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Shinken | Sharp authentic Japanese sword; as opposed to... |
Shinogi | Ridge at widest point along blade; part of th... |
Shinogi ji | Face of blade from shinogi to mune; part of t... |
Shinsa | Examination.... |
Shinshin | Mind and body; from shin [mind, heart, or spi... |
Shinshin toitsudo | The way of coordinating mind and body.... |
Shinto | The way of the gods, Japanese religion... |
Shinwa Taido | Old name of Shin'ei Taido. Martial art simila... |
Shinzen | Seat of the gods, in a dojo usually a positio... |
Shioda Gozo | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... |
Shiri | Hips.... |
Shisei | Posture; position; Bearing or posture. [There... |
Shita | Down; downward.... |
Shite | The one leading, defender in Aikido, also cal... |
Shitsu | Knee, or to bend the knees. The Japanese read... |
Shitsugai | Knee cap, also called hiza no sara... |
Shizen-tai | Natural (full frontal) stance, or posture; St... |
Shizoku | Safe spot, safe angle or position. See, shika... |
Sho | Beginning, first step, or lower level.... |
Sho-ho | (n.) 1. The beginning of learning. 2. The per... |
Sho-shin | (n.) Initial enthusiasm.... |
Sho-sho | (n.) A diploma or certificate or rank or titl... |
Shodan | Shodan - 1st dan (black belt) Fr... |
Shodan-shinsa | (n.) A Dan level examination.... |
Shodokan Aikido | It is also known as: Tomiki Aikido or Tomiki-... |
Shokushu | A booklet of ki sayings which is read by stud... |
Shomen | 1) "Front of the head" 2) Head place of... |
Shomen ni rei | Bow to head place of the dojo... |
Shomen-suburi | Repetitive, individual, cutting exercise; Str... |
Shomenuchi | Strike to top of head, face or forehead.... |
Shomenuchi ikkyo undo | Overhead Parry Exercise... |
Shoshin | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Shoshinha-geiko | Beginner's practice sessions.... |
Shoshinsha | Beginner... |
Shoto | Collective noun for short swords, (1 – 2 sh... |
Shugyo | Training; spiritual training.... |
Shuto | Hand ridge sword; also called tegatana... |
Sode | Sleeve.... |
Sode dori | Sleeve grab. There are a varied range of hold... |
Sode-guchi-dori | Grip on the cuff of the sleeve... |
Sojutsu | Sōjutsu (槍術?), meaning "art of the spear... |
Sokuto | Edge of the foot.... |
Sonomama | Stay there!... |
Soremade | That's it!... |
Soto | Outer or outside.... |
Sotodeshi | Student who lives outside the dojo, compare u... |
Sotokaiten | Outer rotation, compare uchikaiten... |
Sotouke | Block from outside, compare uchiuke... |
Steven Segal | From After se... |
Su-ashi | (n.) The condition of being barefoot.... |
Suburi | "Elementary swinging"; repetitive, individual... |
Suburito | A wooden practice sword possessing significan... |
Sugata | Figure; form; posture.... |
Suigetsu | Water moon; Kyusho (Pressure Point); The sola... |
Suji | Muscle; tendon; sinew.... |
Suji-chigai | Cramp.... |
Suki | (n.) 1. A space between two objects. 2. Loss... |
Sumi | Corner; also called kado... |
Sumi otoshi | Corner drop technique; from sumi [corner] and... |
Sumikiri | To be serene; sharpness of body and mind... |
Sumimasen | "Excuse me"... |
Sumo | A Japanese form of heavyweight wrestling, in... |
Sune | Shins.... |
Suri | Rub; scrape; chafe... |
Suri-ashi | Suri ashi - legs sliding, rear leg passing to... |
Surinuke | Passing through variation of a technique... |
Sutemi | 1) "Self sacrifice”; a sacrifice throw, (no... |
Sutemi-waza | Sacrifice techniques where you give away your... |
Suwari | Sitting. As in Sitting technique; Suwari waza... |
Suwari waza | Suwari waza Technique(s) from sitting p... |
Suwatte | Sit down!... |
Suwatte-waza | Seated training, also called Suwari-waza.... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - T
Term | Brief Description |
Tabi | Formal soft footwear for general use and in t... |
Tachi | 1) Standing. as in standing technique; Tachi-... |
Tachi-sugata | Standing posture.... |
Tachidori | Defense against sword/ bokuto/ boken; sometim... |
Tai | Body.... |
Tai no henko | “Body change or shift”, blending exercise... |
Tai no tenkan | Body turn, also called tai no henko... |
Tai sabaki | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Tai-otoshi | Body drop; usually pushing on uke's elbow... |
Tai-ryoku | (n.) Physical strength or health.... |
Tai-to | (n.) 1. Referring to wearing of a sword throu... |
Taigi | Arts with kin the state of coordinating mind... |
Taijin-dosa | (n.) Movement in proper relation to one’s o... |
Taijutsu | Body work, or practice without weapons.... |
Tairyoku Toreningu | (n.) Training for the development of physical... |
Taiso | Body exercises; warm-up; calisthenics... |
Takemusu aiki | Aiki which gives birth to martial techniques;... |
Tameshi | Test; trial... |
Tameshigiri | Cutting test with sword... |
Tanden | Body center, compare seika no itten... |
Taninzu gake | Multiple or great number attack.(implys kotai... |
Tanren | Drill... |
Tanto | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Tanto-dori | Disarming an opponent armed with a tanto or k... |
Tao | (Dao) - Chinese for "do" or "the way"... |
Tatami | Practice mats. (originally rice straw mats).... |
Tatehiza | A half-kneeling position; from tate [vertical... |
Tatsu | Stand up.... |
Tatte | Stand up!... |
Te | Hand. The chinese reading of the kanji is, sh... |
Te kubi | Wrist... |
Te waza | Hand techniques.... |
Te-no-hira | The palm of a hand.... |
Te-no-koh | The back of a hand.... |
Tearai | Toilet.... |
Tegatana | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Tekubi joho kosa undo | Tekubi Joho Kosa Undo is a very traditional t... |
Tekubi kansetsu junan ho | Wrist stretching exercise... |
Tekubi-osae | Pinned wrist, yonkyo... |
Tekubi-shindo undo | Wrist shaking exercise... |
Tekubikosa undo | Wrist crossing exercise... |
TenShin Aikido | TenShin Aikido is headed by Luis Santos. The... |
Tenchi | Ten [heaven] & shi [earth].... |
Tenchin Budo Kai Aikido | Tenchin Budo Kai Aikido is headed By Frank An... |
Tenchinage | Heaven and earth throw.... |
Tendoryu Aikido | Tendoryu Aikido was founded by Kenji Shimizu... |
Tenkan | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Tenkan undo | Hand Out, Spin with Step Exercise... |
Tenkan-ashi | Entering, moving one foot behind the other an... |
Tenkan-dosa | The basic blending practice; tenkan exercise,... |
Tenmon | Heaven's gate; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This... |
Tenshin | Sidewards body shifting.... |
Tenugui | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... |
To | Sword, also ken, tachi and katana... |
Tobi geri | Jump kick... |
Tobikoshi | Fall over hip, break fall... |
Tomare | Stop!... |
Tomauchi | Jo-staff technique from a distance... |
Tomei | Ability to stop the sword; aiki-ken term;... |
Tori | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Torifune | Rowing exercise, also called funakogi undo... |
Tsuba | Sword guard... |
Tsuchi-fumazu | The arch of the foot; the plantar arch.... |
Tsugi | Next!... |
Tsugi ashi then okuri ashi | Footwork - Move trailing foot first, then lar... |
Tsugi-ashi | Back leg moves first but never passes the fro... |
Tsuka | Sword hilt; hand grip... |
Tsuki | A thrust, punch, or stab; from tsuku [to stic... |
Tsuki kage | Kyusho (Pressure Point); This point is found... |
Tsuki waza | Linear strikes techniques.... |
Tsuki-age | Lifting uke's chin to throw... |
Tsuma-saki | The tip of a toe.... |
Tsumasaki | Toes (see “Ashi-no yubi”).... |
Tsuyugasumi | Drop of mist; Kyusho (Pressure Point); The ar... |
Tsuzukete | Continue!... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - U
Term | Brief Description |
Uchi | Uchi (1) A strike; from utsu [to strike].... |
Uchi tachi | Attacker, or sword striker, during kumi-tachi... |
Uchi waza | Non-linear strikes techniques. Look: Tsuki wa... |
Uchi-ma | (n.) The most appropriate distance for you to... |
Uchideshi | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Uchikaiten | Inner rotation, compare sotokaiten... |
Uchikomi | To take a step forward and strike;From uchi [... |
Uchimi | Bruise.... |
Uchiuke | Block from inside, compare sotouke... |
Uchu-rei | The universal spirit.... |
Ude | Arm(s).... |
Ude furi undo | Ude Furi Undo exercise is a 180 degree spin w... |
Ude garami | Arm lock... |
Udefuri choyaku undo | Udefuri turning exercise with a 180° turn an... |
Udekimenage | Arm break throw.... |
Udenobashi | Eextended arm... |
Udeosae | Pinned arm, ikkyo... |
Ue | Up; upward.... |
Ugokuna | Don't Move!... |
Uke | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Uke nagashi | “Flowing reception”, to parry; from ukeru... |
Uke tachi | Defender, or sword receiver, during kumi-tach... |
Uke waza | Blocking techniques.... |
Ukemi | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Ukemi waza | Falling techniques... |
Ukenagasu | Parry; deflect... |
Uki-otoshi | "Floating drop," is one of the traditional fo... |
Uko | Door of rain; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This i... |
Undo | Exercise, motion, or movement; from un [carry... |
Unsoku | Foot movement Unsoku - Section 1... |
Ura | Beside, or behind. Element with very many int... |
Ura kimon | Outside devil's gate; Kyusho (Pressure Point)... |
Uraken | Backhand strike; Back fist.... |
Ushiro | Literally - Back. When used as a prefix to a... |
Ushiro katate dori kubishime | Uke grabs single wrist and neck choke from be... |
Ushiro katate eri dori | Uke grabs single wrist and collar from behind... |
Ushiro kiri otoshi | Rear cutting drop.... |
Ushiro ryo hiji dori | Uke grabs both elbows from behind.... |
Ushiro ryo kata dori | Uke grabs both shoulders from behind.... |
Ushiro ryote dori | Uke grabs both of tori’s wrists from behind... |
Ushiro tekubitori | Grabbing both wrists from behind, also called... |
Ushiro tekubitori kotai undo | Exercise - step to the side, kneel and bow... |
Ushiro tekubitori zenshin nage undo | Exercise - step forward, kneel and bow.... |
Ushiro tori undo | Aikido ki ecersise. It is very effective at r... |
Ushiro ukemi | Back breakfalls.... |
Ushiro-ashi | (n.) The rear foot.... |
Ushiro-eri-dori | Collar grab from behind.... |
Ushiro-waza | Attacks from behind... |
Ushirogeri | Backward kick... |
Ushirotori zenponage undo | Step forward and turn exercise... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - W
Term | Brief Description |
Waka no kamae | Traditional kenjutsu posture, where the weapo... |
Waka sensei | Young teacher; commonly refers to the son of... |
Waki | Armpit.... |
Waki-gatame | Side armlock in jujutsu, similar to hiji shim... |
Waki-kage | Atemi point in armpit... |
Wakitsubo | Side bowl; Kyusho (Pressure Point); The hollo... |
Wakizashi | A short, (1 – 2 shaku) sword of a pair. See... |
Ware | Break; split... |
Waza | Technique. As in Nage Waza - throwing techniq... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - Y
Term | Brief Description |
Yaku | Press; Kyusho (Pressure Point); Points found... |
Yame | Verbal order to stop.... |
Yari | Yari is the Japanese term for spear, or mor... |
Yasume | {Yasumi) “Rest”.... |
Yasumi-masho | Let's take a short rest.... |
Yasumi-masu | Let's take a short rest.... |
Yo-gu | (n.) Equipment.... |
Yodan | 4th dan (black belt)... |
Yoi | Ready. As in a yoi (ready) position or stance... |
Yoko | Side, sideways, or diagonally.... |
Yoko-geri | Side kick... |
Yoko-giri | Horizontal cut... |
Yoko-ukemi | Side fall ... |
Yokomen | Side of the head... |
Yokomenuchi | A strike attack angling diagonally down to th... |
Yokyu | 4th kyu (Orange belt)... |
Yon | Four.... |
Yon-no-suburi | Step forward with a downward vertical cut; re... |
Yon-no-tachi | Fourth of sword; The partnered form practice... |
Yonkajo | Older term for yonkyo... |
Yonkyo | Fourth teaching, pinning technique ... |
Yori-ashi | (Okuri in Kendo) - front leg moves first, leg... |
Yoseikan Aikido | This form was developed by Minoru Mochizuki,... |
Yoshinkan Aikido | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... |
Yoshokai Aikido | Yoshokai Aikido was founded by Takashi Kushid... |
Yu-dan | (n.) Carelessness or neligence.... |
Yubi | Fingers.... |
Yubi tsubo | Finger healing point; Kyusho (Pressure Point)... |
Yudansha | Aikidoka with dan-grades;from yu-suru [to pos... |
Yudansha-geiko | Black belt rank holders' practice sessions.... |
Yugasumi | Evening mist; Kyusho (Pressure Point); This i... |
Yuka-ita | (n.) Wooden flooring of a Dojo.... |
Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary - Z
Term | Brief Description |
Za | Sitting. The Japanese reading of the kanji is... |
Za-rei | Seated bow; from za [sitting] & rei [bow].... |
Zaidan Hojin Aikikai | Aikikai Foundation... |
Zanshin | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Zazen | Kneeling meditation; from za [sitting] & zen... |
Zekken | Chest patch embroidered with own name and doj... |
Zempo kaiten ukemi | Forward rolling breakfall; (cf. falling break... |
Zen | Serenity, or quietness.... |
Zen-shin | (n.) Forward motion.... |
Zengo undo | A variation of ikkyo undo extending first to... |
Zenkei-shisei | (n.) A posture with a slight forward lean or... |
Zenpo kaiten undo | Forward roll (mae ukemi)... |
Zenshin-kotai | (n.) 1. Forward and backward motion. 2. Repet... |
Zenshin-kotai-shomen-suburi | Repetitive, individual, cutting exercise; Str... |
Zokko | Continue.... |
Zori | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ... |
Zubon | Pants or trousers worn during suburi training... |
Aikido is a modern Japanese Martial Art and is very different from disciplines such as Karate, Kick Boxing, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, MMA, BJJ, Kempo and Krav Maga where there is emphasis on kicking, punching or wrestling.
Aikido is an extremely efficient self defence (also as Self-Defence Women London) system utilising balance-taking and posture-breaking movements to achieve joint locks, pins and throws. It contains elements of Ju Jitsu, Kendo, Judo and other budo.
Aikido Classes are held every Tuesday and Wednesday evening at our Harrow dojo, and Thursday evening at our Pinner dojo in NW London. Pinner Aikido Club London is a part of the Kai Shin Kai International Traditional Aikido Association (KSK), which is a member of the Aikido Alliance.
Aikido is essentially a non-violent Martial art system that encourages the avoidance of confrontation and harmony with an aggressor. The classes are well attended with Aikido students always on the mat and aimed at all levels, from beginner to advanced but everyone is welcome to come along regardless of fitness or experience.
Our Aikido students work at their own pace during the training sessions and no one is forced into doing anything they are not comfortable with.
Pinner Aikido Club in London can help you achieve self-defense skills, self-esteem, confidence, and fitness. Most of all though, our classes are fun.
You do not have to be competitive or naturally athletic to take part in the Aikido class. Learning Aikido is about self-improvement and self-confidence.
Regardless of your size, body type and current level of physical ability or disability. If you are looking for a healthier, more confident way of life, then the modern art of Aikido may well be for you.